Price: ₹5001/-
Timeline: 7 Days
Express Delivery: 24 Hours (₹2500/- Extra)
- Pages: Portfolio Page, Contact Page, Blog Page
- Features: Social Sharing Buttons, WhatsApp Contact API System
- Bonus:
- 3 Months Free Maintenance
- Cloud Backup (Google Drive)
- 1 Year Free Hosting
(Domain Not Included: ₹1000/- Extra)
Note: Content and images must be provided by the customer. If not provided, the deadline will be adjusted.
Why Purchase This Package?
This Website Development Starter Pack is perfect for businesses, freelancers, and bloggers who need a professional online presence quickly and affordably. With essential pages, social media integration, and a WhatsApp contact system, you’ll be ready to connect with your audience effectively. The added bonuses of free maintenance, cloud backup, and hosting make it a comprehensive solution that provides peace of mind without breaking the bank.
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